Join Us

Welcome, if you are reading this you are hopefully looking at joining our club,

Please download, fill in and send us your application form at the bottom of this page so we can get you started.

The club has been in existence for more than 40 years. It’s last alias was The Diss and District Radio Control Flyers. We have at present approximately 50 members, and all them are members of the BMFA.

The skill level of our membership range from beginners to people who have been flying RC planes, helicopters (both IC and Electric) and gliders for several years, we also have several members who are very experienced with Drones. We endeavour to support whatever particular interest new members wish to follow and where they want to improve/expand their level of flying, we are able to assist with this.


We have a number of instructors who are able provide Training, from beginners to those who wish to attain a BMFA achievement level at A or B and we have examiners who can take any BMFA A test and the Fixed Wing B test.  We can arrange for other B tests to be conducted as well.

New to r/c flying read this – Getting Started

There is an element of members who are enjoying retirement and therefore mid-week flying is available, and this includes Training.


We also have members who are able to provide help and assistance with those who wish to build their own model, be it an ARTF or a Kit, or simply direct from a plan.

The club is managed by an annually elected committee, who meet up on a regular basis, we hold General Meetings three times a year at which members are welcome to attend and ask/ raise matters which are of a concern to them or offer their services in matters which will promote, improve and provide an improved future to the club and it’s members.


At these meetings it is planned to have indoor flying and/or films etc.  The AGM is held in December where the Committee is elected.

Communication with members is by either a Newsletter,  our Facebook page or this web site (you will get logins for the members page once you have joined).

The main aim of the club is to provide safe and enjoyable flying to all members at what ever level they want to participate. Also to involve the membership where possible in the running of the club.

MSRM New members application form – New member application form

MSRM New members procedure – MSRM New Members Procedure

Click here to contact us if you would like any further information

History of the Club

The BMFA’s booklet on learning how to fly can be viewed here.

We hope you will enjoy being a member of the club and we look forward to seeing you at the airfield.