Tips and Links

BMFA Links
BMFA – British Model Flying Association
BMFA Achievement Scheme
East-Anglia Area BMFA
BMFA National Centre
BMFA Classified Ads

Aero 101 for RC Pilots
Common Questions from RC Pilots Part 1
Common Questions from RC Pilots Part 2
Common Questions from RC Pilots Part 3 (Transmitters)

Trimming charts
Trimming chart
Goldsmith Trimming Chart
Goldsmith Trimming Article

Shop Links
Pegasus models – Norwich
Model fixings – small screws, bearings, bolts etc..
Hobbyking – batteries, foam planes and all things rc
Slec – for those that like to feel a bit of balsa every now and then.

Other Links
Battery Safety Booklet – June 2014
Pre Flight check list
Weather (or not to fly!)